Creativity for the Rest of Us

Look for the Synchronicity

Carl Jung defined synchronicity as “a meaningful coincidence of two or more events, where something other than the probability of chance is involved.” Some call it serendipity or “mere” coincidence. In a conversation with the late Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers refers to “the hidden hands” that seem to guide us along when we are on the right path.

This is how it feels to live in creative flow. Everything, absolutely everything and everyone we encounter on our path is fodder to connect with, support, teach, or guide us in some way. Ever have one of those “chance” conversations at a party you didn’t plan to go to, standing in a line you normally wouldn’t wait in, or sitting next to someone on a bus? The conversation where they have the answer to a question you’ve been pondering or know someone who has been on your mind that you’ve lost touch with. The night before I was to facilitate a session on meaning in work, an unsolicited email arrived with the link to a new research study supporting exactly what I was going to talk about. I was going to talk about it anyway, but the research added validity. That’s synchronicity.

As with everything, we can have more of it by staying open and paying attention. The information can come in subtle or not so subtle forms so practice your tracking skills. I get songs stuck in my head. Especially annoying when I don’t like the song. Once I realized that the lyrics of the song contained the information I’d been searching for. On that note…

Experiment for yourself. Ask “what does this situation, person, magazine, movie, song, etc have to teach me about the issue at hand?” Force yourself to make a connection, even if it’s kooky and you have to make it up. It’s good exercise for your brain.

Bonus: I’ve made up my own little ditty that I sing when I want to bring more synchronicity into my day. (Sing it to the tune of Bare Necessities from Disney’s version of the Jungle Book.)

Look for the synchronicities

Those good old synchronicities

Forget about your worries and your strife

Look for the synchronicities

Old Mother Nature’s recipes

That brings those synchronicities to life

2 Responses to “Look for the Synchronicity”

  1. bobbeaux says:

    There just is nothing more fun than to encounter a synchronistic moment when you least expect it. I realize it takes an “open heart” for these moments to occur, and we are the ones who build the barriers between ourselves and the marvelous.

  2. Breaking down “the barriers between ourselves and the marvelous” – you’ve captured the spirit and call of this blog in those few words. Thank you!

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