Creativity for the Rest of Us








What makes a fire burn

is space between the logs,

a breathing space.

Too much of a good thing,

too many logs

packed in too tight

can douse the flames

almost as surely

as a pail of water would.


So building fires

requires attention

to the spaces in between,

as much as to the wood.


When we are able to build

open spaces

in the same way

we have learned

to pile on the logs,

then we can come to see how

it is fuel, and the absence of the fuel

together, that make fire possible.


We only need to lay a log

lightly from time to time.

A fire


simply because the space is there,

with openings

in which the flame

that knows just how it wants to burn

can find its way.

–Judy Brown



What kind of attention do you give to the “spaces in between”?  What assumptions, beliefs or judgments do you place on being vs. doing?  Look for simple ways each day to intentionally create more open space in your life.

2 Responses to “Fire”

  1. Denise says:

    Having a dog takes a lot of time and energy. Sometimes I have to walk my dog Kirby when I don’t really feel like it or when I’m pressed for time. I find myself rushing her, pulling her on the lead, making her hurry up. She likes to check her “p-mail” and will linger at a certain pole or bush for a very long time. My best days are ones in which I allow her to smell to her heart’s content, take her time–take my time, and be with her. It’s her walk after all! She’s happier, I’m happier, and I’ve connected with her.

  2. Denise – Sweet…thanks for the reminder to practice creating space in activities we’re already doing. Just slowing down makes space. Thank you!


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